Dragon King's Tenka Fubu Katana is a striking and eye catching piece that pays tribute to Oda Nobunaga, a daimyo and leading figure during the Sengoku and Azuchi Momoyama Period. Known for his motto "the nation under one sword", he as powerful and regarded as one of the three great unifiers of Japan.
Forged from T10 alloy and differentially hardened, the resultant blade is strong and retains its edge remarkably well. The tempering process also produces a vibrant and prominent hamon that is made even more visible through polishing.
Matching the theme are unique fittings that tells a brief history of Nobunaga's life, including the unique tsuba features the kabuto (military helmet) of Oda Nobunaga and a fuchi featuring a battle flag and war fan to commemorate Nobunaga's victory in Dengakuhazama in the year 1560. At the time, he raised his battle flags to fool his opponent into thinking his forces were encamped, but attacked the troops from the opposite direction. Additionally, the kashira for this katana depicts the kabuto of his most significant rival, Takeda Shingen while the menuki memorializes Oda's love for poetry and tea.
The traditionally constructed wooden core tsuka is first covered with white samegawa which is tightly held in place by a brown tsuka ito. This katana is then completed by a red lacquered saya, a symbol of the blood shedded to achieve his ambitions. The scabbard is fitted with buffalo horn kurigata and kojiri along with a brown sageo.
Note that sageo colors may vary.